Thursday, November 28, 2019

Analyse and explain the work of ONE Muslim agency working for world development Essay Example

Analyse and explain the work of ONE Muslim agency working for world development Essay Islam is a complete way of life; Islam is a faith which is appreciated all over the world and embraced by the young and old. Islam is derived from the Arabic root Salema: peace, purity, submission and obedience. In the religious sense, Islam means submission to the will of God and obedience to His law. Islam has 5 main principles (laws) which must be obeyed by every Muslim, these are a frame work of a Muslims life, these five principles are also known as the five pillars of Islam these five pillars consist of * Shahaddat which means To bear witness that there is none worthy of worship save Allah and that Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is the Messenger of Allah. * Salat which means and consists of 5 daily prayers to Allah. We will write a custom essay sample on Analyse and explain the work of ONE Muslim agency working for world development specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Analyse and explain the work of ONE Muslim agency working for world development specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Analyse and explain the work of ONE Muslim agency working for world development specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer * Zakat this is when a Muslim gives their money to people in needed * Sawam this is when a Muslim fasts in the month Ramadan for Allah. * Hajj this is when a Muslim performs the holy pilgrimage to Mecca, the house of Allah. Giving charity is recognized all over the world, and in many religions giving charity is compulsory. Even people with no faith recognize generosity as a unique quality. Islam is a religion which acknowledges the importance of giving charity. Zakat is the third obligatory pillar of Islam; Zakat is an act of generosity towards people in poverty, in order for any Muslim to perform Zakat it is important for them to have reached the Nisab which is a certain amount of wealth, 2.5% of your wealth is the minimum amount and qualifies for Zakat. The word Zakat means purification, when a Muslim is performing Zakat they are purifying their wealth and they are purifying their heart from greed. Zakat is an obligation upon every Muslim. BUT! To give Zakat youre earnings must be halal. Allah has showered us with blessings and favours and one of those blessings which he has bestowed upon us is wealth. The Quran deals with the economic aspects and provides teachings for a Muslim on the correct way of earning and spending their money. The wealth which you earn must be spent for the pleasure of Allah and spent on yourself enough to fulfil your own needs. The Quran indicates a way to deal with economic infrastructure. It clearly states a halal and haram way to earn a living. The Prophet Muhammad, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, said: Seeking halal earning is a duty after the duty. In other words working to earn a halal living is itself a religious obligation. Gaining a lot of wealth is not bad Wealth itself is not bad. In fact Quran refers to it as your wealth which Allah has made for you are means of support. There are two ways of earning wealth there is the haram way and there is the halal way the wealth you possess must be halal. There are many ways of earning halal money, for example having a small business, selling halal meat, working in a mosque ect But it is important a Muslim to earn their wealth through hard work and honesty. Our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) once reminded us, No one has eaten better food than what he earns from the toil of his own hands But there are many temptations which lead us to earn haram money and spend our wealth unlawfully, For example to earn our money through prostitution, riba (interest), gambling, pornography and to spend our means of support on indecency (such as theatres, movie stores, clubs ect), as Allah has Cleary stated and reminded us, And do not come near Zina (fornication); indeed it is an abomination and an evil way. No matter how attractive the financial rewards of engaging in those enterprises may seem to be, a Muslim must refrain from them. This is the economic struggle of a believer. To a compassionate person who is leading a comfortable life, perhaps nothing is more painful than to learn that how much pain suffering and enduring people undergo and you cannot failed to be moved by the sight of shrivelled bodies, innocent children disfigured, people dying of hunger and refugees driven out of their homes. Poverty means for a person, country or community to lack in resources to fulfil their own needs. People who are suffering in poverty they cannot supply them selves with enough food, resources and money to survive very long, in some countries such as India people arent in poverty because they dont have enough resources they are in this position because they are to poor to afford any type of resources such as food, water, education, clothes, houses, land to grow crops ect. Poverty can be caused in many different ways such as war; these types of conflicts can lead to destroyed houses, ruined schools, destroyed lands and industries and also war can lead the country to corruption. Any country can end up in poverty if they are under debt or there business, industries or there economy system collapses. Sometimes natural disasters can cause poverty some countries are in parts of the world where natural disasters occur regularly for example Bangladesh has floods almost every year. The third world countries such as Africa, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Somalia, ect suffer from extreme poverty because there are no resources, no education, no food and no free medical treatment and people in third world countries are so poor in money so these people suffer from starvation, diseases and serious illnesses and are not able to afford a little bit of food so their children can eat. Over 35,000 children under the age of five every year die of starvation, serious illness, diseases or no food and no clean water. Most countries which suffer from poverty lack in resources and are underdeveloped this is why there is a serious need for world development in many countries such as Pakistan. In the world there are developed countries like Britain, America and Japan and there are countries which are developing like Brazil and Malaysia but there are countries which are seriously under developed like Bangladesh and Ethiopia. If there is to be a fair world, less developed countries need moral and financial support on ground level from developed countries so they can improve their lives. Under developed countries have a shortage in supplies and as a moral responsibility people who are living a comfortable life should send some money to under developed countries so they can afford a bit of resources to improve their lives. People can send there charity money through charity funds and agencies. Islamic relief is an international charity which is dedicated to alleviating the suffering of the worlds poorest people; Islamic relief is an independent non governmental organisation. Islamic relief was started in the UK in 1984 by tow students Hany El Banna and Ihsan Shabib, since 1984 Islamic relief has become a huge international organisation.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

10 of the fastest growing jobs right now

10 of the fastest growing jobs right now When you’re thinking about starting your career or switching careers to change things up, there are a number of important factors: skills and qualifications, the education you’ll need to get started (or move up), and- perhaps the biggest concern of all for many of us- the salary. But while you’re considering all of these very important elements, don’t forget about the future. A growth career is one that will work for you 5, 10, or 15 years down the line. If you choose a path that’s†¦shall we say†¦dwindling, then your options down the line may not be as great as if you pick a field that’s continuing to grow and evolve. Let’s look at some of the fastest growing fields and jobs, all which are anticipated to grow faster than average over the next decade.1. Interpreter/TranslatorBusiness is increasingly global these days, and as companies embrace this small-world trend, people who can help them navigate these international waters will be in hot demand. It’s also a career that has good flexibility- you may work in person directly translating what people are saying, but it could also include translating written documents.What you’ll need: Fluency in multiple languages, strong written and verbal communication skills, and a bachelor’s degree.What it pays: $46,120 per year median salary, or $22.17 per hour, per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).Growth potential: 29% by 2024, per the BLS.2. Cost EstimatorIf you’re really good at those Price is Right games and have a mind for the big picture, then becoming a cost estimator might be a good option for your career. Cost estimators, well, estimate costs for goods or services in the most basic sense, but also use their skills to analyze data and determine the overall investment of time, money, and resources on a project. They serve an essential role in project planning. Cost estimators typically specialize in a particular industry, li ke manufacturing or construction.What you’ll need: Math/financial skills, research skills, analytical skills, and a bachelor’s degree in a field like math, management, or engineering.What it pays: $61,790 per year median salary, or $29.71 per hour, per the BLS.Growth potential: 9% by 2024, per the BLS.3. AudiologistIf you’ve ever seen one of those amazing videos of people hearing sounds for the first time ever after receiving cochlear implants, you know that audiologists serve a crucial purpose in helping people with hearing issues. These allied health professionals work with patients to test hearing and develop treatment plans to overcome varying types and severities of hearing loss. That work can include diagnosing issues, fitting patients with hearing equipment, and developing communication and comprehension skills.What you’ll need: A doctoral degree in audiology, plus a state license (check your state for specific licensing requirements).What it pays: $75,980 per year median salary, or $36.53 per hour, per the BLS.Growth potential: 29% by 2024, per the BLS.4. Pharmacy TechnicianOf all the growth fields over the next 10 years, perhaps none are moving as fast or exploding quite as much as healthcare. There are lots of reasons for this- aging Baby Boomers, more attention to health and wellness in general, a decline in overall health- but the upshot is that if you find a healthcare career path that works for you, it’s a safe bet for your future. Pharmacy technicians operate on the back end of healthcare, working with pharmacists to provide medication exactly as prescribed by doctors and with patients to ensure that they’re taking the medications correctly and safely.What you’ll need: Organizational skills, general science knowledge, extreme attention to detail, and a high school diploma or completion of a pharmacy technician program. Some states also require additional licensing or certification, so be sure to c heck your own state’s requirements.What it pays: $30,920 per year median salary, or $14.86 per hour, per the BLS.Growth potential: 9% by 2024, per the BLS.5. RecruiterIf you were the person who could hype any party to get the right people in the door or have a knack for matchmaking (in general, not necessarily in love), then you might be a great recruiter. These human resources professionals are scouts for talent, working on behalf of companies looking to fill positions. They may work independently as a contractor, or as a full-time employee as part of a Human Resources department.What you’ll need: Organizational skills, people skills, communication skills, and a bachelor’s degree.What it pays: $59,180 per year median salary, or $28.45 per hour, per the BLS.Growth potential: 5% by 2024, per the BLS.6. Dental HygienistDid we mention that healthcare jobs are hot? Don’t forget about the dental field, which is expected to grow alongside more traditional medic al fields. Dental hygienists are allied health professionals who work alongside dentists in dental offices or other medical facilities. They are the ones who can see right through your insistence that you’ve been flossing regularly, and are responsible for examining patients, evaluating for signs of disease, cleaning teeth, performing other dental health procedures, assisting with oral surgery, and educating patients on good dental health/follow-up care.What you’ll need: A good bedside manner, and an associate’s degree from an accredited dental hygiene program.What it pays: $72,910 per year median salary, or $35.05 per hour, per the BLS.Growth potential: 19% by 2024, per the BLS.7. Market Research AnalystData is king. So people who can wrangle data and help turn it into sales or marketing strategies are definitely on the royal court. With companies looking to take the ever-increasing amounts of customer and market data and turn it into better products or more sa les leads, market research analysts are the professionals who can make that happen. They take information about a consumer base or sales and turn that into a snapshot of what people want, what people will buy, and how much it should cost.What you’ll need: Math/financial skills, strong analytical skills, and a bachelor’s degree (though advanced positions may require a master’s degree).What it pays: $62,560 per year median salary, or $30.08 per hour, per the BLS.Growth potential: 19% by 2024, per the BLS.8. Biomedical EngineerBiomedical engineers actually combine two hot careers (tech and health) into one. These engineers design and create the tools, equipment, devices, computer systems, and software that are used in healthcare. They can work in academic research settings, the private sector, or government settings.What you’ll need: A strong background in both engineering and the biological sciences, tech skills, and a bachelor’s or master’s d egree in biomedical engineering or bioengineering.What it pays: $85,620 per year median salary, or $41.16 per hour, per the BLS.Growth potential: 23% by 2024, per the BLS.9. SonographerWhen you think â€Å"sonogram,† you might think of parents-to-be wielding those black and white photos that make babies look like peanuts, aliens, or any number of open-to-interpretation shapes. In reality, sonographers (the person behind the ultrasound/sonogram) use that imaging equipment for a variety of medical diagnostic purposes. These medical professionals work with physicians and surgeons to diagnose and assess internal medical issues.What you’ll need: Medical science knowledge, plus a certification or associate’s degree from an accredited allied health program.What it pays: $64,280 per year median salary, or $30.90 per hour, per the BLS.Growth potential: 24% by 2024, per the BLS.10. Event PlannerDo you have a passion for making sure every detail of a project is executed on time, with everyone in place who should be in place? Do you sleep better at night if your detailed spreadsheets and binders are nearby? If so, you might want to think about becoming an event planner. These professionals work for specific companies, like a hospitality company or a convention center, organizing and executing project plans for large gatherings like big meetings, conferences, social events, etc.What you’ll need: Extremely good organizational skills, communication skills, and a bachelor’s degree.What it pays: $47,350 per year median salary, or $22.76 per hour, per the BLS.Growth potential: 10% by 2024, per the BLS.So what do you think? Is one of these fast-growing careers the right choice for you?

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Why we need music censorship in America essays

Why we need music censorship in America essays Two teenagers get up one morning. Both live normal lives and have never harmed a fly. However, years of listening to heavy metal, gothic, and rap music have put destructive suggestions into their subconsciences. They decide that their lives are not as perfect as they want them to be. They arrive at school with guns in hand, and start shooting at several of their peers and teachers. Some of the students and staff lay dead, others injured, and the rest emotionally instable all because of the music that provoked those kids that morning. Children should be protected and hindered from this weapon that has been fired on society. Some politicians believe that censoring or filtering out vulgar language and inappropriate themes will infringe on the artists right to freedom of expression. United States government should have right to censor all music for the sake of our teenagers who are yet to become the future leaders of America. I will have to admit that some teenagers will still have acc ess to whatever they want to listen to. And that some artists will be promoting what they have been doing underground if censorship becomes legal nationally. As you probably know, the Washington, D.C.-based American Psychological Association (APA) released the study, resulting from five experiments involving over 500 college students, in the May issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. The violent songs increased feelings of hostility without provocation or threat, according to the study. It said the effect was not the result of differences in musical style, specific performing artist or arousal properties of the songs. Even the humorous violent songs increased aggressive thoughts, the study said. (Heins 66) This study definitely contradicts a popular notion that listening to angry, violent music actually serves as a positive catharsis for people. Some will say that, all music is not intended for everyone. It...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The 9 Worst Mistakes You Can Ever Make at Work

The 9 Worst Mistakes You Can Ever Make at Work Getting a reputation as someone who’s unprofessional is a kiss of death in any workplace. The minute coworkers (or, even worse, your manager) lose respect for you, the game is over. While you may still have a job, you’ll be surrounded by people who don’t trust you- an unpleasant experience for everyone involved. Here are some key mistakes to avoid if you want to remain at the top of your work game.1. BackstabbingIt may seem like a snide word behind the scenes is more efficient than a confrontation, but it will ultimately affect your reputation more than the colleague you made look bad. Don’t go over someone’s head to solve a problem. Instead, communicate and try to find a resolution that will make everyone happy.2. GossipingIt’s one thing to share information or backstory, but you’ll develop bad word of mouth if you’re constantly engaged in spreading negative rumors about other people. If it’s not constructive or producti ve, keep it to yourself- or share it with your boss if it’s serious enough that you need to speak up, but be accountable.3. Taking Credit for Someone Else’s WorkThis is just slimy- don’t steal ideals or misrepresent your work. Doing so will also make you look ineffective. If you had your own ideas, you wouldn’t need to steal, right?4. Emotional HijackingAlso known as losing your s#$@, a meltdown that involves yelling, throwing, verbal outbursts or making people cry is a fast way to destroy your credibility- or build a whole new credibility as a toddler who throws tantrums. Maintain your self control. Act like an adult. Whoever you blow up at doesn’t look as bad as you do.5. Announcing That You Hate Your JobIf it’s true, start job hunting and put on a good face so they’ll recommend you to your next employer. If it’s not, suck it up and look for ways to spread positivity at work!6. BraggingBe a pro; take your accomplishments in s tride. It’ll impress your friends and intimidate your rivals. Act like success is something you see every day and hardly notice any more, even (especially) if it isn’t true.7. LyingYou may want to protect yourself or someone else, but as soon as you start lying it’s a matter of time until you get caught! Even if it’s a small, unrelated lie, it can damage your relationships at work and your professional career.8. Smelly FoodTreat yourself to a lunch hour away from the office if you can’t resist your Indian leftovers or a Brussels sprout sandwich every day. Don’t sit in the break room- or worse, at your desk!- pretending nobody can smell what you brought from home. It’s distracting and takes forever to dissipate.9. Burning BridgesI still think fondly of the boss who laid me off, even 6 years later, because she made an effort to reach out to me afterwards, followed through on recommendations, and stayed in touch until I landed on my feet . She taught me how to handle even tough goodbyes- you also never know when you might need a connection made.On Mobile? Please Sign In Here to View Your Job Matches

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Role of the Manager in Health System Finance Essay

The Role of the Manager in Health System Finance - Essay Example The health system finance department needs a manager who ought to access and manage all funds in healthcare. The institutional and financial needs, in this case, will be available, due to well handling and running of funds. For healthcare institutions, methodologies of gaining funds range from grants, loans to government contracts. The manager in this instance has to come on board to organize all these funding methods. Economic evaluation is also possible with the full involvement of the manager in health system finance. This essay shall attempt to assess the role of the Manager in health system finance. The paper shall also explain the role of purchasers and commissioners in the fair allocation of resources, assess the viability of the use of clinical coding procedures for efficient payment and cost control, and finally evaluate the credibility of employing strategies to manage the effective use of coding systems in health care.  In the work of Smith & Curry (n.d.: 30), the purcha sers and commissioners have a greater role to play in ensuring fair allocation of resources in the healthcare system. In their work, Smith & Curry (n.d.: 30), bring out the concept that commissioning refers to making purchase strategically or rather planning and funding. In the United Kingdom, commissioning is mostly used in the National Health Service (NHS). This entails coming up with decisions that touch on the health requirements of the population and the required services that are required to meet these needs. In this case, the purchasers and commissioners come in handy to check for proper allocation of funds and the necessary resources to deliver full services to the population. On another viewpoint, Davies (2008: 25) indicates that the purchasers and commissioners play the role of monitoring the services that allow fulfill the standards put in place in the healthcare contracts.

Fiscal or Monetary Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Fiscal or Monetary - Research Paper Example This is because the article was written at a time when the global economy had generally recovered from the economic crunch and so there was much active economic performance in terms of buying and selling. Because the global economy had generally recovered from the recession, a lot more employment avenues had been created and investments had started among several multinational companies. Consequently, Mathai (2011) notes that â€Å"workers then use their increased income to buy more goods and services, further bidding up prices and wages and pushing generalized inflation upward.† The above points discussed not withstanding; there is a very clear tendency that if the author had written his article at the time of recession from 2007 to 2009, his points and opinions would have changed a great deal. For instance at the time of the recession, even though monetary policies that were geared at adjusting the supply of money in the economy were relevant, these supplies were not needed to stabilize prices. Clearly there was no active demand and supply interfaces and so the need to channel resources at inflation would not have been the most prudent option. In relation to the recession of 2007 to 2009 therefore, the author’s choice of monetary policy would have been directed at economic growth, which would have been a perfect response to the consequences of the recession that was being

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Shear Strength Tests Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Shear Strength Tests - Lab Report Example Top and bottom was joined using shear screws half of the shear box and solid 3mm plate was placed at the bottom of the shear box then the height d1 from the top of the plate to the bottom shear box was measured. A container containing sand weighing 0.1g was poured evenly into the Shear box from 5cm height 10mm from the top. The scraper was used to level the sand, and the weight of the sand sample within the shear box was measured. The thickness of the second plate 3mm plate, tp, and its weight was measured and recorded. Vernier ruler was used to measuring the distance from the top of the plate to top of the box at all 4 corners to 0.1mm then the average was recorded as d2. Sample volume, weight, density, and porosity was calculated. The computation of the porosity was based on sands grains possessing relative density Gs of  Loading the Sample Vertically  The Piston was weighed and gently placed on the top plate, and the vertical loading hanger was aligned onto the piston . The Vertical spindle was gently threaded until in contact with the piston. The locking nut was adjusted to keep the spindle in place and the load was placed on the lower hanger through turning handle. The lower hanger lever gave a 10 times multiplication of the load at the loading point, and the weight were recorded.1.3. Readying Sample for Shearing  The screws were joining the top and the bottom half of the box was removed, and all the dials were set to zero to ensure they fully engage and the coefficients value for each division was recorded.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Explain how the author's writing techniques help to explain the Essay

Explain how the author's writing techniques help to explain the meaning in Oedipus the King - Essay Example as been shown that Oedipus was a man who was known for his rapid speed action as well as a person who possessed a great deal of intellect and fore vision. He could actually look into the future and suggest for others as to what is going to happen next and he was quite good at that. Thus these qualities say a thing or two of him becoming an excellent ruler who foresaw his subjects’ needs and desires. As has been the case during the while of this story, we see that the relation between the different themes, the style and the tone employed have huge roles to play in actually detailing the readers about the story itself. The extent of easiness and calm found in the thematic discussions leads us into thinking that the writer really did the trick while showcasing the virtues, abilities and the like of the central characters in the play and more than that, Oedipus the King himself. The tone with which he has expressed the innate qualities with the help of beautifully chosen words just gives the right amount of tonic for the perfect blend that is so much needed to gel this piece of writing on the part of the writer. Furthermore, the essence of the general flow within the play has been charismatic to say the least, where different events and occasions are passing by without any sense of drag at any point in time. Oedipus’s habit with fast speed movement as concerns to decisions has been well documented in the story itself. The same has been portrayed courtesy the story attached with the King in the related context. Oedipus is doomed by his very own temperament. â€Å"I shall shrink from nothing in my search to find the murderer of Laius†. It was at the time when Creon brings news of Laius’s death that Oedipus does not even let him share what he has come to account for. In its place, Oedipus is on the run to find more and more questions as to what Creon actually knows. Similarly, Oedipus is so twisted on determining the real truth that he starts to threaten the old

Monday, November 18, 2019

Explaining Second Language Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Explaining Second Language Learning - Essay Example After evaluating and analyzing all theories presented by Lightbown and Spada, we shall conclude which theory has consistencies. Cognitive theory is consistent because it draws how the mind can achieve second languages irrespective of the role of environment and social context. Therefore, cognitive theory has proven to be consistent than sociocultural and social interaction theories. This is because sociocultural and social interaction theories focus on the role of environment and social context, thus making these theories be inconsistent (Lightbown, & Spada, 2012). Cognitive theory helps us understand that all second language learners, irrespective of their environment and social context have at present learned and acquired at least one language. It also elucidates that the human mind has the capability of learning anything new. Thus, it explains that human cognizance can be divided into twofold complex kinds of representation: prior knowledge and procedural knowledge (Lightbown, & Spada, 2012). Prior knowledge represents first language acquisition that is stored in long-term memory through schemas and images, and procedural knowledge represents L2 and this indicates that the human minds have the aptitude of learning anything new successfully. So, the central fact that makes cognitive theory consistent is the ability to expound that learning begins with prior knowledge, which is slowly modified to become proceduralized knowledge (Lightbown, & Spada, 2012). This means that learners of second languages have a conscious mind with advanced fluency and competency of the first language, and this will orient their thinking and speaking toward second language acquisition. Subsequently, cognitive theory expounds that the mind work in an information-processing model and this help human learning to achieve. For second language acquisition to be

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Knowledge Management Essay Example for Free

Knowledge Management Essay The concept of treating organizational knowledge as a valuable asset to leading organizations has been popularized by leading management and organization theorists. Organizations are being advised that in order to remain competitive, they must efficiently and effectively create, locate, capture, and share their organizations knowledge and expertise, and have the ability to use that knowledge on specific problems and opportunities. Firms are showing a tremendous interest in implementing knowledge management processes and technologies, and are even beginning to adopt knowledge management as part of their overall business strategy. Although knowledge management is becoming widely accepted, few organizations today are fully capable of developing and leveraging critical organizational knowledge to improve their performance. Many organizations have become so complex that their knowledge is fragmented, difficult to locate and share, and therefore redundant, inconsistent or not used at all. In todays environment of rapid change and technological discontinuity, even knowledge and expertise that can be shared is often quickly made obsolete. However, while many people call for effectively managing knowledge, almost no research has been done regarding how to do it. What is Knowledge? Knowledge is commonly distinguished from data and information. Data represents observations or facts out of context, and therefore not directly meaningful. Information is derived from placing data within some meaningful context, often in the form of a message. Knowledge is what we come to believe and value based upon the meaningfully organized information (messages) one gains through experience, communication or inference. Knowledge can be viewed both as a thing to be stored and manipulated and also as a process of simultaneously knowing and acting that is, applying expertise. In order to succeed in todays business world, organizations need to manage knowledge both as an object and as a process. Knowledge can be tacit or explicit. Tacit knowledge is subconsciously understood and applied, difficult to articulate, developed from direct  experience and action, and usually shared through highly interactive conversation, story-telling and shared experience. Explicit knowledge on the other hand, can be more precisely articulated. Therefore, although more conceptual, it can be more easily codified, documented, transferred or shared. Explicit knowledge is playing an increasingly large role in organizations, and it is considered by some to be the most important factor of production in the knowledge economy. Imagine an organization without procedure manuals, product literature, or computer software. Knowledge may be of several types, each of which may be made explicit. Knowledge about something is called declarative knowledge. A shared, explicit understanding of concepts, categories, and descriptors lays the foundation for effective communication and knowledge sharing in organizations. Knowledge of how something works or is performed is called procedural knowledge. Shared explicit procedural knowledge lays a foundation for efficiently coordinated action in organizations. Knowledge why something occurs is called causal knowledge. Shared explicit causal knowledge, often in the form of organizational stories, enables organizations to coordinate strategy for achieving goals or outcomes. Knowledge also may range from general to specific. General knowledge is broad and independent of particular events. Specific knowledge, in contrast, is context-specific. General knowledge can be more easily and meaningfully codified and exchanged, especially among different knowledge or practice communities. Codifying specific knowledge in order for it to be meaningful across an organization requires its context to be described along with the focal knowledge. This requires explicitly defining contextual categories and relationships that are meaningful across knowledge communities. Implementing Knowledge Effective performance and growth in knowledge-intensive organizations requires integrating and sharing highly distributed knowledge. Although tacit knowledge develops through observing action, it is more easily exchanged, distributed, or combined among communities of practice by being  made explicit. However, explicating tacit knowledge so it can be efficiently and effectively shared and reused is one of the least understood aspects of knowledge management. Even so, deciding which explicit knowledge an organization should use can affect competitive performance. Knowledge may be naturally tacit or it might appear that way because it hasnt been articulated yet, most likely because of social issues. Articulating particular types of knowledge may not be culturally legitimate, because challenging what the organization knows may not be socially or politically correct, or the organization may be unable to see beyond its customary habits and practices. Also, making private knowledge public and accessible may result in a redistribution of power that may be upsetting or rebelled upon in particular organizational cultures. Knowledge also may remain unarticulated because of intellectual constraints in cases where organizations have no formal language or model in order to articulate it. Potentially explicable knowledge that has not been articulated displays a lost opportunity to efficiently share and disperse that knowledge. If competitors have articulated the integration of similar knowledge, then they may obtain a competitive advantage. However, knowledge that is naturally inarticulable that organizations attempt to make explicit may result in the knowledge being lost, and performance suffering. Articulable knowledge that has been made explicit represents an opportunity that has been taken advantage of. Organizations often do not challenge the way knowledge is stored, treated or passed on. However, managers should not blindly accept the apparent tacitness of knowledge. Mrs. Fields Cookies, for example was able to develop a knowledge process (baking cookies) to a level high enough to be explicated and articulated in a recipe that produces cookies of consistently high quality. The cookies are apparently supposed to be almost as good as those originally baked by Debbie Fields herself. The famous chef Ray Kroc was extremely successful in articulating and routinizing the process of cooking a hamburger to produce a consistent, if not gourmet, level of quality. Although explicit knowledge represents only a part of the intellectual part of an organization, it plays a crucial role in the overall knowledge strategy of the organization. Its management requires frameworks and well-considered architectures. Knowledge processing can be put into two broad classes: integrative and interactive, each dealing with different knowledge management objectives. Together, these methods provide a broad set of knowledge processing capabilities. They support well-structured bases for managing explicit knowledge while at the same time involving tacit knowledge. Integrative applications use a sequential flow of explicit knowledge into and out of the central base. Producers and consumers interact with this repository rather than with each other directly. The repository becomes the primary means of knowledge exchange, providing a place for members of a knowledge community to contribute their knowledge and views. The primary focus tends to be on the repository and the explicit knowledge it contains, rather than on the contributors, users, or the tacit knowledge they may have. Integrative applications vary in the extent to which knowledge producers and consumers come from the same knowledge community. At one extreme, which is called electronic publishing, the consumers (readers) neither directly engage in the same work nor belong to the same practice community as the producers (authors). Once published, the content tends to be stable, and those few updates that may be required are expected to originate with authors. The consumer accepts the content as it is, and active feedback or modification by the user is not anticipated. For example, the organization may produce a periodic newsletter, or the human resources department may publish its policies or a directory of employee skills and experience. On the other extreme, the producers and consumers are members of the same practice community or organizational unit. While still using a sequential flow, the repository provides a means to integrate and build on their collective knowledge. These are labeled integrated knowledge bases. A best-practices database is the most common application. Practices are  collected, integrated and shared among people confronting similar problems. Regarding the organizational roles for managing integrative applications, acquisition requires knowledge creators, finders, and collectors. Capturing verbal knowledge requires interviewers and transcribers. Documenting observed experiences requires organizational reporters. Surfacing and interpreting deeply held cultural and social knowledge may require corporate anthropologists. Refining requires analysts, interpreters, abstractors, classifiers, editors, and integrators. A librarian or knowledge curator must manage the repository. Others must take responsibility for access, distribution and presentation. Finally, organizations may need people to train users to critically interpret, evaluate and adapt knowledge to new contexts. Interactive applications are focused primarily on supporting interaction among people who hold tacit knowledge. In contrast to integrative applications, the repository is a result of interaction and collaboration rather than the primary focus of the application. Its content is dynamic and evolving. Interactive applications vary by the level of expertise between producers and consumers and the degree of structure placed upon their interaction. Where formal training or knowledge transfer is the objective, the interaction tends to be primarily between instructor and student, or expert and novice, and structured around a discrete problem, assignment or lesson plan. These applications are referred to as distributed learning. In contrast, interaction among those performing common practices or tasks tends to be more ad hoc or emergent. These applications are referred to as forums. They may take the form of a knowledge brokerage an electronic discussion space where people may either search for knowledge (e.g., Does anyone know) or advertise their expertise. The most interactive forums support ongoing, collaborative discussions. The producers and consumers comprise the same group of people, continually responding to and building on each individuals additions to the discussion. The flow continually loops  back from presentation to acquisition. With the appropriate structuring and indexing of the content, a knowledge repository can be developed. A standard categorization scheme for indexing contributions provides the ability to reapply that knowledge across the enterprise. Interactive applications play a major role in supporting integrative business procedures. For example, a forum can be linked to an electronic publishing application for editors to discuss the quality of the contributions, or to offer a place for readers to react to and discuss the publication. Best practice databases typically require some degree of forum interaction, so that those attempting to adopt a practice have an opportunity to discuss its reapplication with its creators. Knowledge Management and Factors Affecting IT Effective use of information technology to communicate knowledge requires an organization to share a common perspective from where the information can be analyzed. The more that communicators share similar knowledge, background and experience, the more effectively knowledge can be communicated via electronically mediated channels. At one extreme, the dissemination of explicit, factual knowledge within a workplace that possess a high level of shared contextual knowledge can be accomplished through access to a central center of data. However, when a common perspective is not present, or the knowledge exchanged is less explicit, or the community is loosely tied together, then more interactive modes such as electronic mail or discussion databases are appropriate. When the perspective is not well shared and knowledge is primarily tacit, communication and narrated experience is best supported with the most interactive modes such as video conferencing or face-to-face conversation. Cultural, People and Organizational Issues Effective knowledge management has to tackle cultural, people and organizational issues first, as these things cannot be solved by purchasing an off-the-shelf product. Conflicts, ambitions and inter-organizational  politics are strong factors of the knowledge management process. The key to a successful knowledge management implementation is a culture that encourages the creation and sharing of knowledge, and processes  ­ technology, in order to handle these problems effectively. Unfortunately, most performance systems and processes do not reward  ­ adequately or maybe at all  ­the sharing and reuse of knowledge. If the culture of the organization does not reward knowledge sharing, then knowledge management is no going to be successful. Employees need strong incentives to participate in such schemes; otherwise they tend to feel that information is being squeezed out of them. If employees see this as an invasion of privacy, it certainly will not work. A company that is going to succeed at knowledge management will need a culture of confidence, trust, mutual respect and mutual support which encourages the application of knowledge, and a willingness to share power through shared information. Sharing knowledge will only be successful when a market  ­demand and supply ­ for knowledge is created. Eventually, the shared knowledge base will lead to the erosion of private power bases, as high-quality information becomes available online. While technology can only be an enabler and not a driver, some solutions, can influence organizational culture and help to bring about the necessary changes. In particular, if a technology solution provides quality information in a shared knowledge base that is fast and easy to access, people will want to participate. For example, at Motorola, a knowledge management system piloted by one group of users was provided on a read-only basis to everyone. Soon everyone demanded the ability to participate in full. In conclusion, one can see how understanding and utilizing knowledge management can lead to success in an organization. Developing effective methods of knowledge retrieval, analysis and dissemination will yield great benefits to any organization.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Effects of Science on Changing Knowledge

Effects of Science on Changing Knowledge â€Å"That which is accepted as knowledge today is sometimes discarded tomorrow.† Consider knowledge issues raised by this statement in two areas of knowledge. Rhumer Culmer Knowledge itself is â€Å"facts, information and skills acquired by a person through experience or education† (Merriam-Webster). It is the understanding of any given subject matter and can be understood either practically or rationally. Knowledge can be broken up into numerous hypotheses and theories due to different beliefs people may have. These hypotheses can be proven to be true as they are justified logically through experiments or observation. However, others can be considered to be unjustified for a certain amount of time. There is a constant change in knowledge that is accepted because the view that people have on the world is never written in stone. The way people see the world and the things in it changes with time, as they change as a person or their environment changes as well. The reason knowledge can be accepted today and can be discarded tomorrow is because society is mechanized at every moment. Somewhere in the world, a new discovery is taking place, leading to new information on subject matter. The use of the word discarded in the statement given does not necessarily mean that all previous knowledge is thrown away and an entirely new idea is accepted, but it actually explains the idea of evolution and the world moving forward as a society. Evolution is the idea that the views on the world as we see it â€Å"may be tested and retested by future observations† (Wikipedia). As technology becomes more mechanized and gaining information is facilitated, we are able to understand more. This not only happens because of technological advances, but also because of worldwide social trends as well as new discoveries being made. Because of this a knowledge issue can be created; since some knowledge is discarded tomorrow, or what could be the near future, does this mean that the knowledge what we currently possess will always eventually be proven incorrect? New discoveries are constantly being made specifically in two areas of knowledge – natural/human sciences and history. Historians make new discoveries continuously, which is known as historical revisionism. This means that what we know from history now is not necessarily always wrong; it is just open to review. The idea of historical revisionism essentially shows that â€Å"constant revision of history is part of the normal scholarly process of writing history† (Wikipedia). As history is not complete, it is always modified to change truths in order to fit modern society. Therefore, this emphasizes the idea that instead of all knowledge being rejected because it is wrong, it is actually still accepted as the truth that has been modified due to new information, thus creating a better truth. Nevertheless, just because everything is open to modification, this does not mean that everything is right at the moment. This shows that we must never fully believe what has been given to us as fact because there is always something more to be added which can end up changing our view on the subject matter. Knowledge is also constantly altered in another area of knowledge: natural and human sciences. Scientific discoveries that create the knowledge that we accept are made from experiments and observations. These experiments are done with the use of scientific methodology, which is defined as â€Å"principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses† (Merriam-Webster). Scientific methodology has become more accurate over time due to advances in technology, thus affecting what is accepted and what is discarded. A good example of this is when scientists found a direct link between people smoking cigarettes and developing lung cancer. In the past, lung cancer was actually considered an exceptionally rare disease. Therefore, the fact that was accepted then was that there was no link to smoking and getting the dis ease. However, in the 1950s, â€Å"evidence linking cigarette smoking with lung cancer began to accumulate† (Bastian, 2008), showing that the fact that was accepted before was discarded by some people as they believed that there was now a connection between cigarettes and lung cancer. Scientific methodology even proved that there was a relationship between the two; â€Å"†¦study, carried out in Britain between 1951 and 1994, revealed that the death rate for smokers from lung cancer was about three times that of non-smokers from men over 35† (Bastian, 2008). Even though this experiment clearly showed a link between the two variables, some people still accepted that there was no way smoking cigarettes would at some point make you develop lung cancer. This example questions our knowledge issue as well as the statement given because we now see that knowledge given today and knowledge that is discarded tomorrow is not only done because of facts but also in the end it i s a person’s choice what they want to believe in. It depends on the people themselves: in the end, there is no way for anyone to be forced to discard any knowledge that they possess or accept anything that they do not want to. Medical advances also have been a result of discarded knowledge that was previously accepted. An example of this is the medical advances over the past 25+ years or so with heart disease. In the past, it was accepted that â€Å"heart attacks, called infarcts, were [big] and the damage to heart muscle was often catastrophic, leading eventually to heart failure and death† (Cox, 2009). The only cure for a heart attack was putting a patient into a dark room and giving them pain medication and medicine to â€Å"prevent dangerous irregular heartbeats† (Cox, 2009). This method was not successful all the time because the rate of death from this disease was still high. Both doctors and patients thought there was nothing they could do and accepted it. This accepted fact was discarded in the 2000s because there were new discoveries. Finding new drugs, such as Lipitor, for heart disease â€Å"are now routinely used to slow the progression of atherosclerosis†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Cox, 2009) , which is plaque that can cause heart attacks. This example shows that the increase in technology and new discoveries helps improve the knowledge that we have accepted in the past, or even change our knowledge for the better. The use of the word accepted in the statement implies that there is something or someone influencing what is accepted by society, and which is denied. Whatever is accepted by society is called the truth. This brings in the idea of social factors affecting what people believe in. Nowadays, people are under the influence of way too many people. For example, celebrities have more influence on people than they should. If they say one thing is the right thing to do, then most people follow this idea. Proof of this is the changing trends in clothing. Celebrities can wear one thing and suddenly most people are wearing the same thing, if not something similar because they think it looks good. This shows that today or better yet, in the present, the ideas are accepted. However tomorrow, or in the future, the trends can be discarded. This happens if a different celebrity wears something else. The public then think whatever they were wearing before is no longer acceptable, therefore they must m ove on with the world. Another example of this is a person’s view on the world from when they were younger to when they become older. For instance, as a child we are taught that the opposite sex is annoying, strange and can spread a fictional disease, sometimes called cooties. As children we all accepted this as common fact and dare not test the theory to be incorrect. However, with the test of time, or aging, we start to view the opposite sex as attractive in certain ways. Therefore, we end up discarding what we thought was pure fact and knowledge as a child. There is proof of this because there are males and females getting married, starting families and having serious relationships worldwide. Things that are currently accepted as knowledge are easily open to be discarded in the future. Nothing is permanent because what we believe constantly changes. This is due to technology and research on different subject matter being furthered. However, if any piece of knowledge is accepted or discarded entirely depends on the person. There are many cases to show that generally, yes, knowledge has been accepted and discarded throughout time, but in the end it is always up to a single person to determine if they want to accept a piece of knowledge or to discard a piece of knowledge because it is their belief. People’s beliefs change over time because the world around us is constantly changing and there is no way to stop that, thus there will be a large number of ideas that will be accepted and discarded in society in the future. Works Cited Bastian, Sue. Chapter 10: Natural Science. Pearson Baccalaureate: Theory of Knowledge. N.p.: Pearson Education Limited, 2008. 172-80. Print. Scientific Method. Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 07 Jan. 2014. Cox, Lauren. The Top 10 Medical Advances of the Decade. The Top 10 Medical Advances of the Decade. MedPage Today, 17 Dec. 2009. Web. 06 Jan. 2014. Definition of Knowledge in English. Knowledge: Definition of Knowledge in Oxford Dictionary (British World English). Copyright  © 2013 Oxford University Press., n.d. Web. 08 Jan. 2014. Historical Revisionism. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 27 Dec. 2013. Web. 05 Jan. 2014.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Neolithic Park :: Creative Writing Short Stories Hunting Essays

Neolithic Park   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  "Thanks for that update, Bob," said the aged anchor person. His voice was rough and deep, as though he had been to sea recently and had taken home a throat lined with thick salt water. He sounded too serious, but friendly enough to be a local newscaster for a maximum audience of perhaps 20,000 bored stiff eyes. "And now we have a related story about the new sporting goods store here in Sidney. Nan Johnstone is there live. Nan?"   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  "Yes, Phil. Thanks." Nan was an aged person as well, who doubled as the station's investigative reporter and local happening's person. Her voice was about as clear as Phil's. It sounded nasal and rusty, as though she had been talking her whole life and was about ready to give it up for good. "I'm here at what is now officially the largest hunting and fishing goods store in the world. Cabela's will be opening tomorrow afternoon at three o'clock, and the management is expecting nearly half the population of Sidney to show up for the grand opening event. In the past few nights, we have been bringing you related stories because of the incredible economic impact that Cabela's will have and already has had in our area. As you know, 2,000 people out of the Sidney area's 10,000 are already employed by Cabela's. That number is, of course, expected to rise in the months and years to come. The story we bring you tonight concerns the last step in completion of the 400 acre store and surrounding grounds. Today, over 700 stuffed animals arrived from an eminent taxidermist in northern California, and crews were immediately sent to work arranging 300 of the stuffed beasts in a brilliant display against the dividing wall in the center of the store. They let me take a sneak preview of the arrangement earlier, and it is incredible. Even if you're not planning to purchase anything tomorrow, the animals make it worth your trip. One may find the other 400 creatures on display throughout the store. They will be shown either one at a time with tape-recorded sounds of them and their habitat or they will be shown in groups. The main exhibit is arranged between the tents on display and the clothing section, and although pictures are not yet allowed from within the store, postcards will be available from any of the cash registers or from other points around Cabela's. We hope to see you all there tomorrow. Goodnight."   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  "Thank you, Nan. We'll be there. It looks like it is going to be a

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Psychotherapy Essay -- Psychology, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

My preferred theoretical orientation is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). The main assumption of CBT is that events and situations in life do not cause emotional problems (e.g., guilt or depression); rather problems are due to irrational beliefs and perceptions about the situations (Corey, 2009). The goals of CBT focus on correcting the client’s automatic and self-defeating thoughts, which should ultimately help them to develop a more adaptive philosophy of life (Corey, 2009). I like that this approach focuses on challenging and changing the client’s cognitive distortions, core beliefs, automatic thoughts, and schemas. Another positive aspect is that this approach focuses on the cognitive triad, which consists of how one views the self, the world, and the future (Corey, 2009). Furthermore, CBT places responsibility on the individual to put insight into action by making changes to their thoughts and behaviors, both in and out of the therapy sessions (Corey, 2009). In order to bring about change, the client needs to understand that the primary source of difficulty lies in how they perceive events based on their belief system (Kellogg & Young, 2008). Overall, CBT is a structured approach that emphasizes EVTs, learning, empowerment, brevity, and focusing on the individual (Kellogg &Young, 2008). CBT is open to using techniques from other approaches that fit the needs of the client, and the empirically validated techniques of CBT, when individualized for the client, work well in other approaches (Corey, 2009). These aspects of CBT make it a useful approach that can be adapted for individuals from different cultural and economic backgrounds (Corey, 2009; Kellogg & Young, 2008). In general, CBT is a structured approach and inclu... ...manual (Craske & Zucker, 2001). It is rare for a client to come into therapy with only one disorder that has the outlined symptoms of the diagnosis that calls for a particular treatment. Therefore, following the manual stringently may not help the client improve, but making slight deviations depending on the client’s characteristics and circumstances may allow the technique to be successfully adapted and useful for the individual. It is also likely that a clinical psychologist will add their own individual preferences to therapy no matter what therapeutic approach or technique they use (Scaturo, 2001). A balance between the use of manualized treatments and clinical judgment to formulate the case conceptualization is needed to be used in order to gather enough information on the client to successfully use any necessary treatment techniques (Craske & Zucker, 2001).

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Unemployment Rates in the United States

Unemployment Rates in the United States According to the most recent report put out by the United States Department of Labor, in the month of February, 49 states saw a decrease in nonfarm employment while Louisiana was the only one where they had seen an increase in nonfarm employment. California had a decrease in jobs since January by 116,000 with Florida in second with 49,500 jobs lost. While Alaska seen the smallest decease in unemployment by just 100. And again Louisiana is the only state to see an increase in employment since January by +0. percent. Louisiana seems right now in this economic bad time has no effect on the job level. Since last February, Louisiana has seen an increase in jobs by +0. 3 percent. Louisiana along other states (Wyoming, Alaska, and North Dakota) have seen an increase in jobs with Wyoming leading the way with a +1. 6% increase. Let take a different take on unemployment by breaking it down by regions. Which region would you think would have the biggest l ost in jobs? Was it the Northeast, the south, Midwest or the West. Well in fact it was the West (9. 2) and The Midwest (8. 6%). This really don’t surprise me since most of the automobile manufactories are based out in these areas with the trouble they have been having with the ill stated economy we are in right now. While the Northeast seen the lowest unemployment rate at a 7. 7%. While all of the four regions reported a jobless rate increases from February 2008 until February 2009, the largest increase in the unemployment rate was the West at a +3. %. The one state that has suffered the most in the state unemployment stat was again Michigan at an astonishing 12. 0%. While Wyoming had the lowest at 3. 9% unemployment rate, while Louisiana had an unemployment rate of 5. 7%. Louisiana has seen an increase in unemployment since February 2008 until now by 1. 9%. Michigan on the other hand has seen an increase by nearly 5% from one year ago. The unemployment rates in the United States have seen a drastic change since 2008 and so on. Many because of the tough economic times we are in. Most job losses came from the manufacturing area because of great fear of the economy and the cut backs that companies have to make due to the hard times. Although some states haven’t been hit as hard as others, like for example Louisiana, we have actually seen an increase in jobs from January 2009 until now, while others have lost more than 100,000+ jobs like in Michigan. Works Cited

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Ethical Lens

In reviewing my ethical lens inventory I have many faults and many advantages when it comes to the way I learn. My personal preferred lens is rights and responsibility, which means I use rationality to determine my duties as well as the rules that each person should follow. There were many results of my ethical lens inventory. The results of my classical values are temperance. I value individual balance and restraint in the want for pleasure that I seek to fulfill my duties. My key phrase is â€Å"I am responsible†, because of this I assume that what I think is responsible should apply to everyone.My definition of ethical behavior is â€Å"fulfilling duties†, I feel an ethical person would be one who fulfills their duties and does the right thing. The tools I use to analyze problems are reason. I tend to think about problems carefully and research them so I am receiving the fullest and accurate data. My blind spot would be that â€Å"Belief that motive justifies method †. This means that I could unknowingly cause people upset and pain because I am focused on good motives. It also means I believe that there is a set of individual rules that everyone should follow, it also means that I follow the rules.My seeing clearly is listening to my heart, I always follow my heart about everything before my head and that could also be a downfall. Sometimes I put my belief above others because it is what I think is right, but what I think is right is not always right. My personal lens could affect my academic behavior by my crisis which is becoming exhausted. Being exhausted and not pacing myself could definitely direct my academic behavior. It could direct it by being tired and exhausted therefore not being able to perform academically to the best of my abilities.My ethical lens influences my critical thinking because it means that I am responsible. By being responsible and wanting to fulfill my duties to the best of my ability it means I ask questions a nd research everything, therefore increasing my critical thinking skills. The results of my career building activity aptitude showed that I am focused. Being focused means that I would be better suited for a career that involved me using and applying practical skills. It says that I am likely to be attracted to very practical jobs and careers. I personally think this is false because my career choice is to be a social worker.Being a social worker seems to be a really exciting and it involves you to always have to be thinking outside the box, the complete opposite of a practical job. There are many ways I can use my career aptitude results and competencies and my personal ethical lens to help me in the classroom and the workplace. One way it these results can help is it shows me my strengths and weaknesses. Another way is the give me advice about the way my thinking works and how to apply it. These surveys have been very helpful to my academics and workplace decisions.

American Providentialism Through Eras

American Providentialism through Eras Centuries ago John Winthrop preached on board Arbella to the people full of hopes and desires for their new life. He talked about the beautiful Promised Land and the new paradise on earth. Winthrop’s motivational speech â€Å"A Model of Christian Charity† was supposed to encourage people on board Arbella to fulfill their destiny and create a pure society just like God intended them to. The inhabitants of the New World were chosen by God to create a new society which will serve as an example for the rest of the world.John Winthrop insisted on people being united as one body in Christ through brotherly love for one another and through love for God. â€Å"[T]rue Christians are of one body in Christ (1 Cor. 12). Ye are the body of Christ and members of their part. All the parts of this body being thus united are made so contiguous in a special relation as they must needs partake of each other's strength and infirmity; joy and sorrow, w eal and woe. If one member suffers, all suffer with it, if one be in honor, all rejoice with it. [T]he ligaments of this body which knit together are love. (Winthrop, 4) At the very beginning of existing of America, the main task of its inhabitants was to be united. Religion was their knitting thread. Since they had not yet formed their laws, they lived according to laws of the Church. America’s destiny was to be â€Å"one nation under God† and God was leading them closer to the fulfillment of this destiny. â€Å"[W]hile the law did not abrogate [their] institutions, and the theocracy to be inaugurated did not supercede them, God was all the time educating them to broader views of their destiny †¦ they were to perform as a chosen people among the nations of the earth. (Pierce, 3) God has chosen the people abroad Arbella to create a nation of all nations and He was along their side in all times. During the Civil War the knitting thread between the people was lost because of different views on the issue of slavery. The northern states wanted to abolish slavery while the southern states were against it. Since Americans could fulfill their destiny only if they are united, they saw the Civil War as the wrath of God towards them for being separated.America was separated into the United States, or the Union, and Confederate States of America, or the Confederacy. â€Å"Both parties deprecated war, but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish, and the war came. † (Lincoln, 1) Lincoln thought that northern states wanted to destroy the Union and that they were ready to fight a war for that cause, while the southern states would do anything to keep the nation united, so they accepted the war to preserve the Union.Lincoln believed that the war was the wrath sent from God because the nation was separated. Americans were supposed to be â€Å"one nation under God† and the war was the punishment for their separation. Lincoln believed in the destiny of his nation and was ready to do anything to unite it again. He agreed on abolishing the slavery to put the nation on the right track again so it can continue on fulfilling its destiny. Providentialism was America’s way of making people to be moral and to do good deeds. It was America’s way of keeping its states united.From Winthrop, through Pierce, to Lincoln American scholars and politicians were promoting providentialism. Some of them maybe really believed America is a nation chosen by God, while some of them just used religion to promote their own politics. 628 Works Cited Lincoln, Abraham. (1865, March). Second Inaugural Address. Pdf. Pierce, George Foster. (1862, March). The Word of God a Nation’s Life: A Sermon, Preached before the Bible Convention of the Confederate States. Augusta, Georgia. Pdf. Winthrop, John. A Model of Christian Charity. 1630. Pdf.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Essay Sample on Catalan and Basque Nationalities

Essay Sample on Catalan and Basque Nationalities In the year 1979, after the declining of the dictatorship of Franco, constitution introduced a new political framework for Spain according to which people of Spain had the right to organize their lives. The non-democratic system of rule followed by Franco was totally taken out and a new Autonomous Communitiesa System was introduced. The most prominent issue that the new regime had to face was the question of Catalonian and Basque nationalities. The fight for centralization, federalism and various other issues gave rise to the emerging of Catalan identity. The Basques are the pre-Aryan race in Europe who rules themselves on the basis of certain local statutes and charters. Both Catalonia and Basque are culturally and historically distinct unlike other states that do not have a territorial identity. Catalonia and Basque were privileged to exercise a full autonomy while others could enjoy only a restricted autonomy. Asymmetrical decentralization followed by Spain was favored by both the se nationalities (Ross 1999). MoreBoth Catalonia and Basque had to suffer discrimination from the authoritarian regime, but the response to that oppression differed in them. Catalonians were found to be less violent than people of Basque nationality. The difference in the mode of response shown by the two communities is because of the difference in their nationalism and the disparity in their socio-political structures. Catalan nationalism mainly exhibits a civic character with a policy of participating in Spanish politics but Basque culture is found to be of exclusive nature. Both Basque and Catalan autonomous community governments give high emphasis to the policies that protect their respective languages (Daniele 1993). When Catalan people selected the policy of peaceful mobilization for their struggles, Basque people followed the strategy of violence (Paddy 2001). Catalans chose the path of politics rather than resorting to violence towards the government in the matters of their demands. They have substantial degree of home rule and have large number of representatives in parliament; making their leaders shine in the national politics. Basque nationalism, however, resorted to violent means and their Militant Separatist Organization slaughtered nearly 800 people in various terrorist attacks. Catalan nation was based on territorial and linguistic basis demanding more political power or sovereignty. They were found to be moderate resting on a common cultural platform. But Basque nationalism always maintained its radical separatist stand and followed its idea of internal fragmentation. In spite of all these variations, these two communities were somewhat similarly structured. Each of them had regional legislative assembly having single chamber. Leader of the party that attains majority will hold the community presidency and the deputies will be selected on the basis of proportional representation. Ministers will take care of the administrative departments and president will head the regional executives. Governments of both these nationalities offer comprehensive public services – health, education, culture, agriculture and so on. They manage and organize their autonomous police force that is a part of Spanish National Police and Guardia Civil. For Basque and the Catalan nationalists, Spain is not a nation but a state made up of several ethnic nations. They always dream getting recognized as independent nations within Spain (Funes 1998). If you need custom essays, research papers, term papers, thesis, dissertation on History, Politics or other discipline feel free to contact our professional custom writing service.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Never Giving Up essays

Never Giving Up essays In critically thinking about and analyzing the life of Marshall Bruce Mathers III, also known as Eminem, I realize that he had to overcome many obstacles in his life, showing that if we never give up, we are capable of achieving the extraordinary. Having said that, lets take a look at the life of Mathers to see what kind of obstacles and challenges he faced. Marshall Bruce Mathers III was born in Kansas City, Missouri on October 17, 1973. His childhood was a rough one; moving from state to state with his mother at an early age, it was difficult for Mathers to make friends, stay out of trouble and graduate. At the age of twelve, Mathers and his mother finally settled down in the eastside of Detroit. In only two short years, rap became Mathers solace. He would escape everything through his rhymes. Going hungry and not having any money was commonplace for Mathers, but he escaped this painful existence through his lyrical conscience. Free styling is when a rapper flows from the heart. In other words, rhyming off of the top of your head about anything. Rappers often battle each other to see whose freestyle is better. To be good at free styling, one must be a wordsmith, in short. Mathers quickly acquired this skill and soon perfected it. Before Mathers became a superstar rapper, the chances of hearing an extremely good white free stylist or rapper were few and far between. Mathers was one of his kind and set his own trend. Battling schoolmates day in and day out was plenty practice enough for Mathers to become one of the best free stylists around. Mathers dropped out of high school in the 9th grade and began a full-time minimum wage paying factory job. He would soon quit, and land several other jobs. His musical focus was constant the entire time he had jobs. On the weekends, he would go to a nearby club called The Shelter and compete in the free style competition. Most of the time he would be ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Barnes Noble Nook Essays

Barnes Noble Nook Essays Barnes Noble Nook Essay Barnes Noble Nook Essay Marketing Strategy Strategic Situation Summary: Market Target(s) Description: Barnes Noble Nook 1. Market Segments Identified- Middle-Upper Class, educated, moderate- high income, heavy internet user 2. Primary Market- Business travelers Percent More Likely Than Average U. S. Adult to†¦. Have accessed the Internet outside the home via WiFi or wireless connection (in last 30 days): 199% Have household income of $100,000 or more annually: 87% Have accessed the Internet with a cell phone or other mobile device (in last 30 days): 154% Be a Heavy Internet User: 116% Have a Bachelor’s or Post-Graduate Degree: 111% Be between the ages of 35-54: 20% Be male: 16% 3. Secondary Market- Education- High School students, College Undergraduates 4. Market Characteristics a. Geographic- Suburban – travel to cities for work or school b. Demographic- The following is a survey conducted for Nook Owners’ age distribution from 111 Nook owners 7. 21% Nook Owners between 10 and 19   8 out of 111. 21. 62% Nook owners between 20-29 – 24  out of 111. 17. 11% of Nook owners between 30-39 – 19  out of 111. 22. 52% of Nook owners are between 40-49 – 25 out of 111. 18. 1% of Nook owners are between  50-59 – 20  out of 111. 11. 71% of Nook owners are between 60-69 – 13  out of 111. Just 1 nook owner between 70-79. Just 1 nook owner between 80-89. c. Psychographic- Personality: Values: Primary Motivation: Ideals: Self-expression: Resources: d. Behavioral- User-status: Usage-rate: Purchase-occasion: Benefits sought: Objectives for the Market Target(s): Marketing Program Positioning Strategy: A. Product Strategy a. New Products b. Product Improvements: Incremental I nnovation NOOKstudy i. It will allow the student instant downloads for academic ebooks. It will allow students to search for keywords in lecture notes, syllabuses and more. ii. Its a desktop app that will work on Macs and PCs. When installed, it provides students with access to a wide library of textbooks for less than standard books. iii. Furthermore, the app will enable students to highlight and take notes that are searchable and customizable, and provide students access to all of their materials – eTextbooks, lecture notes, syllabi, slides, images, and other course-related documents – all in one place. Their digital library will be able to go from home, to the library, and to the classroom. B. Distribution Strategy C. Price Strategy: a. Of the 181 million US consumers who are online, 14%, or 25 million consumers, say that eReaders priced at $199 or higher - the current price range for eReaders - are expensive, but they’d still consider them for purchase at that price point. What this means: The maximum addressable market for eReaders as they are currently priced is substantial, but to reach the largest market possible, the prices will need to come down. Still, they have phenomenal social and economic impact as they catalyze a new behavior of digital reading across multiple devices. We’re just at the beginning of this revolution. [pic] D. Promotion Strategy a. Advertising i. Banner ads inside books. The average U. S. adult reads four books a year; with a population of 250 million you get 1 billion books digested annually. At 200 pages per book, thats 200 billion potential ad impressions if just one ad was placed at the bottom of each page. Now, charge a $20 CPM for such premium placement and you have just unlocked a $4 billion advertising market. This concept can extend to college textbooks with coupons for partners, such as Starbucks Coffee. ii. Readers give advertisers more consumer attention because readers cannot easily surf away to other websites. Advertisers would win higher response rates because the ads are much more noticeable and could be contextually targeted to content and the users personal information disclosed by their book purchases. b. Publicity c. Internet d. Personal Selling e. Sales Promotion i. Visit any Barnes Noble store and show y our NOOK or mobile device to one of our booksellers, and receive a voucher for the FREE eBook. The voucher will require recipients to enter an online code to receive the free eBook. This will create more movement to the website and to promote other product offerings. E. Marketing Research F. Coordination with Other Business Functions [pic] Mediamark says there are approximately 2. 1 million US adults who own eReaders. Available this week, the new Nook WiFi device is priced at just US$149. The price on the existing Nook 3G, meanwhile, was slashed from $259 to $199, making it the first under-$200 dedicated e-reader with both free 3G wireless and WiFi, according to the company. Barnes Noble now offers all Nook users complimentary access to ATTs (NYSE: T) entire nationwide WiFi network. Its eBookstore now boasts more than one million e-books, periodicals and other digital content, the company said. Under-$200 is always a new product categorys sweet spot, and BN is probably selling the Nook at a slim margin or even a loss in order to gain market share and brand share in the digital book distribution world. Price, meanwhile, is a very important factor in that competition particularly the sub-$200 price point, which is psychologically very important for consumer adoption, she asserted. Any time you deflate the margin on a product by merely adjusting price, it has consequences to the bottom line, he explained. Another option to just dropping price would have been to add a coupon for up to $50 worth of content; this would have fulfilled the urge to drop price however would have kept topline revenue flat. Style: The Nook has a color menu, whereas the entire Kindle display is focused on black and white, he explained. The Nook is lighter. The Nook is now cheaper and the Nook is a little more aesthetically appealing. Potential Target Markets Specifically, individuals interested in a very focused reading experience are one; the education market is another, she pointed out. If device manufacturers and educational and professional publishers are successful at getting that constituency, we think e-readers will be able to hold their own against media tablets, Kevorkian said noting, however, that while theres great potential, it has yet to be realized. A total of 7. 6 million media tablets, including the iPad, will ship worldwide in 2010, growing to 46. 7 million units in 2014, IDC has forecast. The e-reader category, on the other hand including both connected e-readers and USB-enabled ones will ship 6. million worldwide this year, the company predicted, increasing to just over 9 million in 2012 before declining to 7. 9 million in 2014, Kevorkian noted. NOOK for Android-based smartphones and device s. The new application offers those with devices using Android OS 1. 6 and higher the ability to shop Barnes Nobles expansive eBookstore of more than one million eBooks The new Android app is also the first eReader software to feature Barnes Nobles new NOOK-centric branding, leveraging the strength of the companys NOOK brand across its entire eReading offering. The new eReader software branding aligns with the companys current NOOK offering NOOK 3G and NOOK Wi-Fi eBook Readers, and the recently announced NOOKstudy online study platform and software solution for higher education. NOOK for Android will soon be followed by an updated NOOK for iPhone, NOOK for iPad, and others in the coming months, the company noted. Barnes Noble is diving deeper into the education market with an expected August release of NOOKstudy which will run on Macs and PCs and not require a NOOK or any other mobile device. NOOKstudy will act as a hub for eTextbook, class notes, syllabi, scanned handouts, and even non-educational eBooks. It will allow students to take notes as well as highlight passages in eTextbooks. Users will also be able to tag items for easy retrieval using common terms like: for the final exam. It will provide full searches of anything, in the eTextbooks or your notes, and link into Google or Dictionary. com to look up terms. Multiple eTextbooks can be opened at the same time, or two pages from ifferent sources can be simultaneously displayed. The program is currently being piloted at Penn State, University of Nevada, Queensborough Community College, and the Rochester Institute of Technology. Barnes Noble’s ability to market the Nook through its bricks-and-mortar stores, along with the comparative newness of the device, were keys to that competitive edge. Under the terms of the Best Buy agreement, the Nook’s e-reader software will come pre-loaded on a number of PCs and smartphones sold through the retailer. Both Barnes Noble and Amazon have focused on porting e-reader applications onto a number of devices, including ostensible rival iPad, in a bid to increase the potential audience for their proprietary e-books. Barnes Noble announced a software update for its Nook e-reader, including a Web browser and Android-based games, on April 23. Another feature, â€Å"Read In Store,† allows Nook users to browse the retailer’s e-books for free at any Barnes Noble bookstore, with the entirety of each book accessible for an hour. NOOK Wi-Fi eBook Reader marries innovative technology and sleek minimalist design with Wi-Fi connectivity. This latest addition to the NOOK family gives customers the opportunity to take advantage of the proliferation of both in-home and public Wi-Fi hotspots, where they can browse the Web and shop the Barnes Noble eBookstore of more than one million eBooks, periodicals and other digital content. With its latest software update for all NOOK devices (now available at www. nook. com/update), Barnes Noble is offering all NOOK customers complimentary access to ATTs entire nationwide Wi-Fi network, including Barnes Noble bookstores which have previously been available to NOOK customers. As part of the NOOK eBook Reader family, NOOK Wi-Fi features Barnes Noble’s breakthrough LendMe technology, enabling customers to share eBooks with friends for up to 14 days. NOOK Wi-Fi also offers the same great in-store features like Read In Store to browse complete eBooks in Barnes Noble stores at no cost, and More In Store, offering free, exclusive content and special promotions. http://floridaresearchgroup. wordpress. com/2010/02/16/demographics-of-kindle-a

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Everyday French Phrases

Everyday French Phrases There are some French phrases that you will hear literally every day or even multiple times a day and even use yourself. If you are studying French, or plan to visit France, its important that you learn and practice five often-used French phrases. Ah Bon Ah Bon  literally means oh good, though  it  commonly translates into English as: Oh yes?Really?Is that so?I see. Ah bon  is used primarily as a soft interjection, even when its a question  where a  speaker is indicating interest and maybe a little surprise. The examples list the French sentence on the left with the English translation on the right.      Speaker 1:  Jai vu un film intà ©ressant hier.  I saw an interesting movie yesterday.  Ã‚   Speaker 2: Ah  bon?     Oh, yes? Or in this example: Speaker 1: Je pars aux États-Unis la semaine prochaine.   Im going to the United States next week.  Speaker 2: Ah bon? Really? Ça va Ça  va  literally means it goes. Used in casual conversation,  it can be both a question and a reply, but its an informal expression. You probably wouldnt want to ask your boss or a stranger this question unless the setting was casual. One of the most common uses of  Ãƒ §a  va  is  as a greeting  or to ask how someone is doing, as in: Salut, Guy, à §a va?   Hi, Guy, hows it going?Comment à §a va?   Hows it going? The expression  can also be an exclamation: Oh! Ça va!   Hey, thats enough! Cestdire Use cestdire when you want to say I mean or that is. Its a way to clarify what youre trying to explain, as in: Il faut à ©crire ton nom l, cestdire, ici.   You need to write your name there, I mean, here. Il faut que tu commences y mettre du tien ici.   You need to start pulling your weight around here. Il Faut In French, its often necessary to say its necessary. For that purpose, use il faut, which is the conjugated form of  falloir,  an  irregular French verb.  Falloir  means to be necessary or to need. It is  impersonal, meaning that it has only one grammatical person: the third person singular. It may be followed by the subjunctive, an infinitive, or a noun. You can use  il faut  as follows:   Ã‚  Il faut partir.  Ã‚  Its necessary to leave.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Il faut que nous partions.   We have to leave.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Il faut de largent pour faire à §a.   You need money to do that. Note that this last example literally translates to, Its necessary to have money. But, the sentence translates into normal English as You need money to do that, or You have to have money for that. Il Y A Whenever youd say there is or there are in English, you would use  il y a in French.  It is most commonly followed by an  indefinite article   noun, a  number   noun, or an  indefinite pronoun, as in: Il y a des enfants l-bas.   There are some kids over there.Jai vu le film il y a trois semaines.   I saw the movie three weeks ago.Il y a 2 ans que nous sommes partis.   We left two years ago.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Nuisance and Tresspass Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Nuisance and Tresspass Law - Essay Example What is important in the determination of private nuisance is the element of infringing the right of enjoyment of property. In nuisance, the interference must be indirect and may result into damages. Some of the nuisance cause here include dust, noise, lose of sleep, destruction of rose and interference with having rest in the family’s garden. Where nuisance has resulted into damages, proof will be easier for the plaintiff (Gearty, 1989). David’s quiet right of enjoyment of his property has been infringed by Advise Harrington & Nephew Ltd. In lodging a case against the company, David will have the obligation f proving that there was unreasonable interference in the enjoyment f his rights on his land. Because the land existing was bought by David and David occupied the same piece of land, he has the right to claim that the actions of the company interfered with his rights on the land. For private nuisance to be acceptable there must be an element of continuity (Pollock, n.d). A onetime interference with a neighbour does not constitute a nuisance. In this case, the company continued with their operation even during the night making their actions unreasonable. The noise from the company made David and his family fail to sleep at night. The court’s decision will therefore be similar to that of De Keyser’s Royal Hotel Ltd. v Spicer Brothers Ltd. ... Moreover, the nature of the neighbourhood will be relevant when coming up with the verdict. In this case, it is David who bought the land next to the company. However, this argument will be impotent in this case because of the nature of damage. Location is only considered to the limit of enjoyment of occupation and not injury to property (Darbyshire, 2010). Because the Rose that was a gift during the family’s wedding die, the nuisance caused injury to property. The chemical emissions from the company further damaged, Wally’s car that was parked outside the house. The case of Esson provides a precedent of the same. In addition, David was not an abnormal claimant as the noise, dust or smell would affect the enjoyment of rights of any normal person. The claimant would therefore succeed in this respect and the court could move ahead to issue an injunction. This will therefore not be relevant n this case. Defendant’s lack of care Harrington & Nephew Ltd failed to care about their neighbours during the production period. The company ought to have taken measures to reduce the impact of dust, noise and chemicals to their neighbours. In a similar case of Andrae V Selfridge (1938) the claimant who was a hotel owner recovered damage from the defendant who caused unnecessary noise and damage during demolition. Harrington & Nephew ltd could claim the following to reduce their liability for nuisance to David. Consent; the defendant can claim that the consent claimant was granted before the commission of the tortuous action. In this case, David’s consent was not sought making this defence irrelevant. Secondly, the defendant can claim that the action being complained about

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Report - Assignment Example It is important to understand that in the game, a player has to work through a set of situations for purposes of collecting key medieval artifacts as a way of gaining riches. It is this artifact that the female figure asks from its various players. Due to this situation, the organizations interactive online community has received a lot of negative comments regarding this situation. Another issue that emerges is the inability of the organizations programmers to remove this virus. This is because any attempt to remove the virus, another similar virus appears. The main reason as to why the organizations programmers are unable to remove this virus is based on the fact that there isn’t any programming solution that has the capability of solving the situation under consideration. Another issue that emerges is that this situation has managed to attract the attention of international media, which are reporting it as their headlines. The censorship bodies of the government are also notified, and they have put an injunction on the distribution of the game. Production: This situation will most possibly halt the production of these medieval quest games. This is because the audiences of these games are 13 year old children, who are not supposed to be exposed to sexually explicit materials. Marketing: The marketing of the games will have to stop, and the company engaging in a serious rebranding effort for purposes of promoting its image, and repairing the damage that is caused by the existence of the virus. It is important to explain that the relationship between the company and the media will also be on the negative, and this is mainly because of the negative publicity that emanates from the media, concerning the games under consideration. One proposal for solving the issues identified above is for the producer of the medieval gaming solution to is to stop the circulation

Friday, November 1, 2019

Land Law in Real Facts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Land Law in Real Facts - Essay Example Last year, Bentley and Damian too died of the accident leaving the property to Damian’s children because Bentley had left his property to his brother and Damian had left his shares of the property to his sons. Now Damian’s sons want the house and evict Alice. ‘A constructive trust comes into existence, regardless of any party’s intent, when the law imposes upon a party an obligation to holds the specific property for another. The person obligated becomes by force of law a constructive trustee towards the person to whom he owes performance of the obligation’ (Donovan waters, p378). The said property, despite the fact that the children of Damian had legally inherited the property from their father, Alice may be considered as the strong equity owner of the property. Alice has a strong estate and land interest in the property. This factor becomes significant when considering the question of unconscionability and applying the law of estoppel which primarily operates in the form of constructive trust. Therefore, it is important to know that Under (Law of Property Act 1925 s 199(1)(ii)(a)), the occupant(s) of the property has major interests ‘since it is implicit in Williams & Glyn’s Bank v Boland 1, Midland Bank v Dobson 2and Lloyds Bank v Rosset 3 that the beneficial interest (of the third parties) under this trust precedes the court order’ (Milney, 1997). It is an important consideration that belief involved in proprietary estoppel cases can be in any rights in and over the property. In the last 47 years of her life with her partner Bentley, Alice of assured that ‘he would do the right thing by her’ which was also seconded by Bentley’s brother, Damian, and co-owner of the house. The good intentions of the owners expressed verbally and the fact that she had been a resident of the house for more than 47 years, gave her the right to contest the will of Bentley and Damian. Â  

Film Journal about the movie called Memento Review

Film Journal about the called Memento - Movie Review Example He is narrating the scene rather than talking from himself. To his right is a pull out lamp that is attached to the wall and it has a soft, somewhat fuzzy light. The wall behind him has an unframed "something" that may be a diploma but it is not necessary to know what it is because the main character is what is important in the scene. When the woman talks the camera reframes to her and the background is blurred so that the audience only looks at the woman. She is speaking in the film but in a voice that is almost a whisper. The room in the scene is spars to keep the audience focused on the main character. For the remainder of the scene the audience must concentrate on the face of Sammys wife until the camera switches back to the main character. The film uses a nonlinear narrative and this scene is one of the many black and white scenes that are telling the story and it is one of the scenes that are told in chronological order. There is no sound in this scene beyond the talking but the use of light is important. In this seen the light gives sharp contrasts with shadows and they amplify the main characters loneliness and his mood while he is talking to Sammys wife. The movie shows black and white scenes in chronological order and scenes in color in reverse chronological order. The importance of this scene is that it is one of the "investigative" moments that the main character is using to attempt to bring his memory back. It is less complicated than other black and white scenes and it is shorter. The scene is a small snippet or segment that is important to moving the plot because the audience needs to see all the characters to determine who may be the killer. This scene is about halfway through the movie and it is important to show all of the "characters" that were a part of the build up to the main characters revelation about himself. This scene also shows that the main character is doing a thorough job of interviewing each